Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Testimonial

It is awesome to be blessed, to be loaded and to be enriched by God, to know it, and to behave in relation to our divine blessings.  The blessings of the LORD are innumerable, immeasurable, and should be upheld and treasured for their immense value and for their true worth.  As a reciprocating response and as an acknowledgement of the fact of being divinely blessed, we formulate and express our gratitude through Thanksgiving acts and gestures which may take multiple forms, i.e., praise, worship, prayer, service, missionary work, genuine offers, sincere acts of kindness, and the list goes on.  These acts and gestures of Thanksgiving may be either modest, simple or lavishing, according to our means, our abilities, and according to the prompting of our hearts.  It is always good and it is encouraged to add some deed or some substance to the word “Thank You” even if it means or takes the form of some unexpected public acknowledgement to some entity.

It is imperative to be thankful today, now, recurrently, and as often as possible.  The miracle worker, or the provider of a favor, of some great service, or of an act of kindness must know that we appreciate their skilled service, their benevolent and their generous acts of kindness towards us.  It is to them an encouragement as it is a motivation for them to continue to do good.  The Altruist, or the Philanthropist, or the Benefactor, or the Good Samaritan may not expect to receive anything in return from the recipient or from the beneficiary of their acts of kindness.  Nevertheless, it is absolutely proper, recommended and motivational for the recipient to say “Thank You” to those who do good to them and for them.

The Holy Bible abounds with instances of and with teachings about Thanksgiving.  For the purpose of this blog, we have chosen to list the following examples, instructions, promises and exhortations.

  • Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.  For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.”  (Psalms 95:2-3).
  • Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”  (Psalms 100:4-5).
  • You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion , and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”  (2 Corinthians 9:11}.
  • We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.”  (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

We are thankful and very grateful to God for All His Blessings, for All His Favors, for All His People, for All His Miracles, for All His Opportunities that He has placed in our lives.

We Thank God
first and foremost for Jesus Christ:   Our Redemption and our Salvation from our sins have been made possible through Jesus Christ's death on the cross and through His resurrection from the grave.  It is sealed, and it is a done deal.  We still have our imperative responsibility to Accept By Faith His Free Gift Of Eternal Life being offered to us and to Embrace Him Fully as our LORD and Loving Savior in our lives and in our hearts.

We Thank God
for our Great Country.  We specifically designate our Priceless, our Loving, our Magnificent, our Wonderful and our Beloved Canada:  This is our Place of Elevation, of our Higher and of our Greater Achievements.  This is our Land of Purpose and of our Refined Education.  This is our Divinely-Blessed Land, our Land of Great Wealth, our Land of Limitless Possibilities and of Endless Opportunities.  This is our Land of Explorations and of Great Discoveries, the Land of the Pioneers, of the Entrepreneurs and of the Developers, the Land of Great Innovations and of Great Inventions.  This is the Place of Dedicated, of Passionate and of Hard Workers.  Canada is our Land to Fight for, our Place to “Stand on Guard” for, our Peaceful Nation, the Land specially shaped, mindfully woven and meticulously molded by God’s Own Precious Hands.  We Thank God because we Greatly and Truly Love our Unique Country Canada for this is where God has placed us to be fruitful, to be prosperous, to flourish and to multiply.

We Thank God
for our Church Senior Pastor / our Church Founder / our Church Builder.  On an extended and global scale, We Thank God also for all the Senior Pastors, all the Church Founders and all the Church Builders on the planet:  Their Contribution to Society is Monumental and Commendable.  Their Lifetime Legacy is their self-sacrificing Investment in our lives for generations and generations.  We Thank God for their Innate and Entrusted Mission, for their Magnificent Vision, for their Absolute Obedience to accept and to embrace their Calling, and to follow through.  May God abundantly, lavishly, overflowingly and overwhelmingly Bless Them.

We Thank God for our Productivity:  Since we do not have ownership of time, we prioritize, we utilize our time effectively to the fullest, and we maximize our opportunities for the diligent and immediate Glory of our LORD Jesus Christ in our individual and respective world of evolution, and in our specific sphere of influence.

We Thank God
for our National Governance and for the Government Officials:  They Govern with poise, they Lay the solid foundations, they Build the political architecture and they Erect the structure of our Society for now and for generations to come while they Inspire our motivation, Shape our living and Mold our future.

We Thank God for the Peace Makers, the Peace Workers, the Agents of Peace:  They Protect our lives with Authority, with Full Responsibility and with Great Competence.  They Make our daily living Safe, Peaceful and Secure. We Highly Regard and Highly Respect Them.

We Thank God
for our Life Defenders:  They Guard our coasts, they Control our borders, they Monitor and Patrol our airspace. They Guarantee our Territorial Sovereignty and our National Integrity. We Highly Honor Them.

We Thank God
for Farmers:  God’s blessed produce and divine provisions through the hard work of their hands are granted and guaranteed.  We Highly Appreciate Them and we Really Love Them.

We Thank God
for Teachers:  They Boost our self-esteem, they Equip us with the essential substance for life, and with the intellectual, the academic and the practical tools for better living.  They Provide the high-quality education that is required and needed for us to become valuable, stable, self-confident and Better Citizens. They Instill in us Self-Respect, Self-Discipline, Civic Dignity and National Pride.

We Thank God
for our Medical System (Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals):  They provide readily and diligently their Medical Services for our good health and for our prompt healing when we need it and as it is urgently required.  Our Gratefulness towards them is Immeasurable.

We Thank God
for our Workplace and for our Place of Employment:  Our Management Team is Scientifically Efficient, our Coworkers are Highly Productive, Proactive and On-The-Ball, our Work Environment is One Model of its Kind.

We Thank God for Great Friends and for Great Connections:  They uplift, they stimulate, they motivate, they educate, they encourage, they support, they boost our morale, they brighten our days and our lives.  They are Precious and Priceless.

We Thank God
for Humility:  Humility is that Virtue that stimulates us and compels us to Pray, to genuinely seek God, to have Patience, to wait on God, to yield obediently to God’s Guidance, to act diligently on God’s Instructions and Commands, as per His Crucial Timing for His Greater Effectiveness and for His Utmost Results.

We Thank God for our Blog Readers: We Appreciate their time, we Treasure their visit, we Honor their sharing. We Praise their renewed encouragement, we Credit their faithful loyalty. We Applaud them, we Cheer them and We Thank Them for their interactive synergy, for their current, their continued and their subsequent visits, and for their repeat investments of time. They are our Blessed, our Golden, our Very Precious and our Very Special Connections.

We Thank God
for His Divine Miracles:  He raises us from the pit to our Elevated Place of Power, of Authority, of Recovery, of Victory and of Honor.  He turns our ashes to Gold (i.e., we work hard, we study hard, we create, we innovate, we initiate, we develop "our own"; we persist, we Go for it; we patiently build and we painstakingly grow "our own"; we take charge of "our own lives", we take responsibility for our daily living; we choose, we decide on the positive outcome, and we engineer the fruitful output and our productivity).  He also turns our tears to Laughter, our mourning to Rejoicing, our losses to our Higher Achievements, our desolation to our Stronger Establishment.  He grants us Happiness, Success, Multiple Blessings and Prosperity.

We Thank God
for our Determination and for our Passion:  We remain focused and we persevere through it all.  We emerge Powerful, Victorious, Prosperous and a Conqueror in spite of the odds (i.e., the challenges, the testings, the hardships, and so on), and because of the odds.

We Thank God
for Google™:  Their Good-Samaritan Approach, their Free-Giving and their Free-Sharing Spirit towards our Society do speak volumes.

We Thank God
for ALL that we have, and for ALL our Service Providers whose list would be too long to enumerate, to compilate, to elaborate and to populate (i.e., Barbers and Hair Stylists, Cleaners, Drivers, Couriers, Carriers, Merchants, and so on).  We truly appreciate ALL of Them.  Their Contribution to make our lives livable is Unforgettable.  Our Memories of Them are but Joyful and Noble.

We Thank God
for Singers and Musicians:  They embed our lives, they fill our void, they keep us company through their songs and through their music.  They are “Mental Therapy Agents”.  They are part of our Joy, of our Rejoicing, and of our Celebration.  They are God’s Workers and God’s Messengers.  They are Beloved Sons and Beloved Daughters that have been created by our Heavenly Father, that are called to our Father's Conformity, and that are also called to participate and to take care of our Father's Business on Earth as it is in Heaven. They are Agents of Mediation, of Connectivity and of Reconciliation.  As per God’s Divine Touch, God's Divine Decision, and under God’s Divine Anointing, they Trigger, they Activate, they Uphold and they Carry in their writing, in their composition, in their singing and in their execution of their Music Masterpiece, the Glory of our LORD, Jesus Christ.

We Thank God Lavishly, Profusely, Abundantly and Endlessly for Who He Is:  He Is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, God Almighty, Our LORD Jesus Christ.

Some might say that they got paid to do their job and that we did not have to go to that extreme of publicly Thanking God for their services.  That is absolutely true, and that is also factually known and clearly understood.  Nevertheless, we find it very important and imperative in this time of Our Thanksgiving Celebration to express our Heartfelt Gratitude towards them anyway.  Life is not only about money, or about just the paycheck that we work for, or not only about the services rendered and provided.  Life is also about appreciation, warmth, being human, relationship, courtesy, good rapport, and about giving credit where credit is due.  Therefore, we have written this blog based on the sincere motivation of the latter facts and elements, and also based on the continued expression of our Love for our God and for our Neighbor.
Special Notes:
  1. This blog is also optimized for smartphone and for mobile device reading format and convenience.  Thanks to +Blogger.
  2. A beautiful song entitled “I Thank God” (*1) by the 7-year-old Gospel singer @Rhema Marvanne may be found on her website at: (Reference used with Granted Permission).  (Revision: From "Website", To "YouTube Channel: (*1)
  3. The @YouVersion Bible App for mobile device is downloadable for free at:  (This is our voluntary publicity to say "Thank You" for the  free Bible App.) (Revision / New URL: ) (*1)
  4. “We are Going Boldly into the www (world wide web) and into the world in accordance with GOD’s LOVE for the World.”  @JosephDubois1. (*1)

(*1) Revisions & Updates added on November 8, 2023.

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