Sunday, May 12, 2019

Special Tribute To My Mother And My Mothers

This blog, although condensed in its essence and compound in its content, is a Tribute to some Great Icons that have meaningful importance and significant value in our lives.

First of all, I must give a big shout-out to All Mothers and say: "Happy Mother's Day!". This is a Celebration that is Very Unique and Majestic for it represents the Power of Nations, the Basis and the Creator of Households, the Holder and the Carrier of Hope, the Giver of Human Lives.  We Treasure our Mothers.  We Uphold our Mothers for their big role in our lives.  We Love our Mothers for our deep bond and for our multiple connections that we have inherited and developed with them.  They are Unique in their Nature, they are Special in their Stature, and they occupy a Very Special Place in our hearts, in our lives, in our upbringing, and in many other areas.

My Biological Mother: Personally I have developed a great admiration for my Biological Mother.  She was powerful, hardworking, bold, risk taking, restless in her activities, and animated with an incomparable drive for work and for life.  Her love for me was felt deeply.  She wanted the absolute best for me.  She always dreamed for me to be very smart.  On this latter note, when the first man (Neil Armstrong) landed on the moon in July 1969, she was living in Dominican Republic, and I was living with my Godmother in Haiti, my Native Land.  My Mother was so overwhelmed and so mesmerized by the event that she wanted to share her excitement with me.  She bought and sent me a book, an Encyclopedia called "Almanaque Mundial 1970" in Spanish.  This particular publication had a dark green cover, related the big lunar exploit, and contained a photo of the first man on the moon.  She wanted to make sure that I was in the loop of what was going on, and that I was informed and up-to-date regarding this great global event.  My admiration and my interest for Space activities began and grew since then.

She has transferred by her gift of that book her fascination for the Big Universe to me, and I still carry this Enthusiasm and this Passion to this day. That is why I am "Very Happy" that, Thanks to Google, I can continue to manifest my love for Space activities, first by creating a rich Collection called "Science: Space" on G+ which is no longer available for consumer (personal) and brand accounts, and next by creating a Playlist also called "Science: Space" on my YouTube Channel ("Joseph Dubois 1") (*7), where I keep my Subscribers, my Followers, my Friends, and my Connections informed and updated "weekly" about the latest information from NASA, NASA Johnson, ESA (European Space Agency), and Canadian Space Agency (CSA / ASC), and where I continue the fascination and the legacy inherited from my late Mother. (*1)

My Greatest Pleasure is to use my Google Chromecast, and to watch the LIVE: NASA Live Stream Earth From Space / Real ISS Live Feed (*5) or A Tour Of The International Space Station With Andreas Mogensen (*6) on my Large Screen / 75" TV.  We say "Thank You" to NASA for "All The Glorious Work That They Do".  We Thank God for NASA, for Science, and for Technology.

My Mother passed away in May 2017.  On Mother's Day 2017, I went shopping around for her casket while a nurse was taking care of her on her final moments, a few days prior to her passing.  I had to bury her with a beautiful silk scarf with space pictures and motif that she kept secretly in one of her big travel suitcase full of clothes and personal items that was a backup storage to her wardrobe.  I was amazed and mesmerized by my findings and by my discovery of her Space-related secrets.  She was Haitian born.  She moved to the Dominican Republic when she was four (4) years old.  She met and married my father there as well.

My Godmother was intrinsically a very strong and a very courageous woman.  After my father and my younger sister died, my mother left me with my Godmother to continue my Education in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and she returned to Dominican Republic.  My Godmother had four sons, and I became the fifth son.   This is where my intellectual education and my personal development blossomed, and I began to dive into great books  that widened and deepened my knowledge.  It was like "all-you-can-eat" reading buffet.  I was hungry and thirsty for knowledge, I ate and drank with great curiosity, with a deep appetite, and I fed my avid mind to my great satiety.

My Godmother was a deep Lover of Christ and Church.  She was a Faithful and Loyal Roman Catholic Christian, and she went to Church seven days a week.  On Sunday mornings, she took me with her to the 4:00 AM Mass.  I was so deeply entrenched in my belief and in my devotion that I even attempted to become an Altar Boy.  I did not make it to the end because I failed the admission test:  I could not master and memorize all the Latin parts for the Church Mass at that time.  Fortunately, a few years later, I did catch up on my Latin alongside with my Greek that became my Major Subjects in Secondary School (the equivalent of North American High School).  Thank God!

My Native Motherland  is "Haiti".  I Love my Native Motherland.  She is rich in Cultural Resources, in Natural Resources, in Mining Resources, in Artistic Resources, and in many other things and areas.  The people are loving, warm, passionate, friendly, with an innate sense of hospitality, with a great desire and passion for life, avid for knowledge, and full of knowledge, very intelligent, very laborious and industrious, very resilient and tough-minded, and very creative.  They love life, they have deep roots and great respect for Family.  I left Haiti forty-one (41) years ago. I went back once for less than a week to the funeral/burial of my Beloved Godmother.  I was a full-time College Student, and I could not stay longer.

My Adoptive Motherland is "Canada".  This is the place of my Personal Propulsion.  After my graduation in Ottawa (in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Drafting) (*2), I moved to Toronto to work for a great Aerospace Company that designed and built Flight Simulators, and Flight Training Devices.  I also worked as a Volunteer Broadcaster / Control Room Operator at CIUT-FM, the University of Toronto Radio for more than a decade, on three (3) distinct French-Speaking Radio Programs, Years 1988-2001. (Actual Link to One of the Three Radio Programs). I learned to play and I became a musician, first playing Drums in a band, then playing Percussion in a Church.  I also worked for a Global and an Iconic Aviation Company (on Ramp Operations) (*3) operating at the Toronto Person International Airport. I still work part-time, on an ongoing basis, on my own Online Volunteering Project #1, and my Online Volunteering Project #2. (*4)

My Spiritual Mother:  This is one of the most Dynamic and most Influential Church Pastor I know.  She is giving, self-sacrificing, and  caring.  She raises Leaders, she changes many lives, and she is a Great Philanthropist.  She deserves and earns her Credits for her Hard and Tireless Work, for her Long-Lasting Legacy, and for her Timeless Impact in our Society.  "Two Thumbs Up", and "Praises to Her" for her Continuous Work, for her Remarkable Accomplishments, and for her Great Achievements!

Concisely, this is my journey within and through the different aspects, stages, upbringing, and influences of Mothers in my life, namely, my Biological Mother, my Godmother, my Native Motherland, My Adoptive Motherland, and my Spiritual Mother.  I consider myself complete due to the strong, the unique, the priceless, and the continuous contribution of all these Mothers into my life.

I use Psalms 139:7-13 in the Bible to paraphrase and to formulate the following:

"How far away can we go to be out of the Reach, the Touch, and the Love of our Mothers?"

We remember their voices, their laughter, their advice, their jokes, their worries, their concerns, their aspirations, their dreams, their joy, their love, their cooking, their baking, their hugs, their kisses, their embrace, their pilgrim walk with us, their Mister-Mom "strong" discipline, their forgiveness, their sacrifices, their boldness, their bravery, their gifts jealously kept, secretly hidden, and joyfully given, to name just a few.  And the list continues.  They embed the core fabric of our lives, and of our being. We Love You, Mothers. I Love You All, My Influencing and Beloved Mothers.


Note: This Blog Post is Updated on June 14, 2021.


Updates List:

(*1) Update added on May 9, 2022.

(*2) Update added on May 2, 2024.

(*3) Update added on May 2, 2024.

(*4) Update added on May 2, 2024

(*5) Update added on May 6, 2024.

(*6) Update added on May 6, 2024.

(*7) Update added on May 7, 2024.