It is Uniquely Wonderful to be here on planet Earth. It means that we are alive and living, and it implies that we individually have something to do, to undertake, to start, to complete, to accomplish. God reminds us in Jeremiah 29:11 that His plans for us are to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. To prosper us, in this context, is not only and simplistically in the area of money, finances, wealth, riches, although all being an integral part of it. To prosper us also means helping us, allowing us, and motivating us to achieve, to be successful, to study, to research, to explore, to discover, to develop, to create, to innovate, to build, to plant, to sow, to reap a harvest, to invest, to have returns on our investments, to have businesses, to be fruitful, to multiply, to expand, to be in good health, and much more.
It is Uniquely Wonderful to represent God in the natural. It means that our job as human beings is to Love first and foremost. The Bible in John 3:16 states that: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Therefore, as God’s representatives, as God’s conduits, and as branches of the vine that Jesus Himself personifies (John 15:5), we are responsible, obligated, expected, and mandated to love one another, to produce and to “bear much fruit of love” for our Mutual Benefit, for the sake of Progress, and for the sake of Peace, be it personal, or social, or both.
It is Uniquely Wonderful to represent God in the natural. It means that our job as human beings is to Love first and foremost. The Bible in John 3:16 states that: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Therefore, as God’s representatives, as God’s conduits, and as branches of the vine that Jesus Himself personifies (John 15:5), we are responsible, obligated, expected, and mandated to love one another, to produce and to “bear much fruit of love” for our Mutual Benefit, for the sake of Progress, and for the sake of Peace, be it personal, or social, or both.
Love is like the sunshine that sustains life, and that causes life to blossom and to flourish. Love is like a river that encourages growth, that stimulates fertility, greenery of grass, of trees, and continuity. That is why, for the purpose and for the sake of tangible progress, of gaining, of winning, of High Achievement through Christ, and of Mutual Elevation in Christ, we proclaim Love, and we solely choose to Love.
The above explains why it is great, very important, and highly imperative to accept and to embrace Jesus Christ in our lives. God is the answer, the universal solution to many of our problems. That is why we willfully and obediently choose to love. That is also why we adopt and we embrace the Unprecedented Love that Jesus Christ has come to offer. True Love and Genuine Peace begin with us in Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ, and stem out of us to reach out, to touch, to heal, to mend, to comfort, to help, to be the solution, and to make the world a better place, all for the sake of Jesus Christ.
It is Uniquely Wonderful and Imperative that our heart is fully in it, i.e., totally dedicated and absolutely committed to whatever we do, endeavor and undertake. In other words, it is Great to Love our Job so much, and to Enjoy what we Do so much that we are willing to Embrace, to Protect, to Defend, to Promote, and to Advance the Interests and the Values of the Enterprise. This way, we surely succeed individually first, and we ensure and definitely contribute to the success and the longevity of the Enterprise. It is a Win-Win Situation: we advance
It is "Not Merely" about the Status, the Position, and/or the Money. I
It is Uniquely Wonderful to know that the Omniscience of God is Real. That is why we conduct ourselves in a reverential way towards God, and in a respectful way towards each other. That way, we ensure our safety and our security in God’s Heart and in God’s Court. God knows our individual standing towards Him and towards each other by His absolute knowing and by His total knowledge of all things, of our thoughts, our deeds, our actions, our situations, our circumstances, and so on. God’s Omniscience is a Very Good Thing, and constitutes a Great Asset for our genuine nature, and for our striving attitude. It makes us safe and confident in His divine process, in His divine plans for us as humans, and in His divine plans for mankind through us.
Although the application, the execution, and the realization of the above will result in awards and rewards in the natural and in society as a whole, it is, however, primarily about creating, building, nurturing, strengthening, and maintaining a strong relationship with God first. It is also about the awareness of God's Omnipresence that keeps us in check and on track. Yet, it is mainly about our willingness to do the right thing, which is to be obedient to God, to be at peace with God, and to please God first in all and through all.
"To obey is better than sacrifice." (1 Samuel 15:22). (1 Samuel 15 / Whole Chapter for Full Understanding, Context, and Example).
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